
Jasmine is one of FORCE’s most versatile apparatuses, allowing for multiple types of experimentation to be completed with the same piece of equipment. Jasmine is a cubic DIA multi-anvil press that will have two major modes of operation: single stage and double stage. The single-stage mode allows faster, comparatively lower pressure experiments and the double stage allows higher pressure, more precise experiments.
The single stage will specialize in rapid synthesis of larger samples at lower pressures, from 1 to 7 GPa and up to 2,000°C. One of the largest experimental barriers in high pressure science is the amount of time each run takes to do, even at lower pressures. Jasmine’s single stage mode will help mitigate that at lower pressures, allowing for more large-volume experiments to be done quickly and efficiently.
As a direct contrast to the single stage mode, the double stage will instead work on the higher end of the pressure spectrum, around 30 GPa at temperatures up to 2,000°C. While this does not have the same benefits of rapid experimentation of the first stage anvils, there is instead a different type of benefit to be had here — namely, detailed work at high pressures. Many large-volume, high-pressure experimentation suffers from a lack of precision at more extreme conditions. Jasmine will be able to mitigate this, and allow for more precise and easily reproducible science.

The design of the DIA multi-anvil employs equatorial sliding wedges that help to apply more even pressure to the second-stage anvils (commonly referred to as the “cubes”). These anvils may be shaped in order to allow for minimal distortion under high pressure and machined out of different, ultra-hard materials. Ideally, all of these factors will allow Jasmine to have less anvil breakage, with the goal of allowing researchers to conduct experiments at higher pressures than ever before attained with a DIA multi-anvil.